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communication development activities

5 Communication Development Activities For Teams That WORK!

Few things impact team culture, productivity, and morale more than communication at work. It’s the glue that holds teams together. Good communication leads to higher productivity and strong team engagement, while poor communication can lead to confusion, missed deadlines, turnover, and general frustration. Poor communication can undoubtedly cost you and your organization. A focus on

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brigadeiro 101 diagram

What are brigadeiros? Introducing Brazil’s favorite chocolate dessert treat

Brigadeiro is one of Brazil’s most loved and devoured desserts. But what are they? Brazilian truffles? Chocolates? Brownie balls? Fudge balls? Caramels? They’re hard to describe. They’re like the fudgy cousin of a chocolate truffle, just without the hard shell. Traditionally made with milk or dark chocolate, sweetened condensed milk, and butter, they’re velvety soft,

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good team morale lookslike

Boost Employee Morale. It Matters. Here’s Why (and How!)

It seems intuitive that good workplace morale and happier employees are better for your company culture and your bottom line. But why are they better? And by how much? Happier employees are more productive, have less turnover, are more satisfied with their jobs, and are intrinsically motivated to work hard. In short, they make a

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computer and phone with a cup of coffee

5 Common Pitfalls Of Remote Team Building & How To Avoid Them

Team building is hard. And yes, remote team building is even harder. The truth is, bringing remote employees together to connect and collaborate on a personal level (without feeling like they’re still working) is challenging. There’s nothing like spending several extra hours on Zoom for a virtual happy hour and virtual team quiz to disengage

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