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tinyb chocolate logo team building events with brigadeiros
chocolate bar for Bouchaine Winery
chocolate bar setup inside at Happy Hour
chocolate bar outside happy hour

Welcome to The Chocolate Bar!
A Happy Hour Chocolate Stations Event

Setting Up An Easy Chocolate Making Station (A Chocolate ‘Bar’) For Your Corporate Happy Hour or other events

We can help provide everything you need to set up the perfect enticement to get everyone to attend…. Chocolate and Chocolate Truffles!

Examples Of Chocolate Making Stations For Happy Hour

Whether it’s your next happy hour, company event, or holiday get together, your attendees will be so excited to come to the chocolate bar!

We can set up however you’d like your chocolate station event to go:

  • From simply providing instructions for your attendees to make their own chocolate truffles – DIY style
  • To offering a full collection of toppings, recipes, and even a professionally trained chocolatier on hand for your chocolate station.


Examples Of Chocolate Making Stations For Happy Hour

Everyone knows chocolate makes everything better (maybe even a company happy hour that they may have been reluctant to attend), but few know just how delicious homemade or self-made truffles can be!

Now you can make these truffles (known in Brazil as Brigadeiros) easily.  Co-workers can impress one another with their culinary expertise, and your company meeting or happy hour can be an event to remember!


We can be as involved or as hands-off as you’d like us to be, and we set it up so that at every chocolate station, your co-workers will be able to make chocolate truffles in seconds or minutes. We provide the brigadeiro chocolate selections and toppings. Your team will roll into balls, optionally dip in melted dark chocolate, and top with a wide variety of toppings. Your chocolate bar event is sure to impress everyone!

We can set up a chocolate bar in most places in the United States.
Want to learn more and/or set up your own chocolate bar for happy hour or a company event?